Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer Solstice

Hooray for the first day of summer!  Today we did some great summer activities that Olivia had never done before.  First, we found our local library branch!  Now we can get lots of books for some summer readin'.

Olivia was fascinated by all the books at the library.  So we had to sit down and read a few in the children's section.

Olivia likes to help turn the book pages

After visiting the library, we went and played at the park by our house.  Olivia had never been in an outdoor swing, but she found it just as enjoyable (if not more so) than her indoor swing!  Notice Olivia's preferred swinging technique: keep hips and legs completely straight while leaning forward.

A nice new sunhat made by Becky for summertime!
Olivia admiring her dad's swinging skills

She also spent some time on a bouncy fire truck...

...and then she played a little on the slide!

Silly static-y slide hair!
All in all, the park seems like a big hit to Olivia, we'll probably be going back again soon.

After the park, we came home and Nick made us delicious homemade burgers and fries for dinner-- the perfect summer (or anytime, really) meal!

Here's to a GREAT summer!


  1. It wouldn't be summer without trips to the library and the park. It looks like she enjoyed both!

  2. Oh no! Her head is almost getting too big for her hair! But I sure do like her new hat (though the loss of the old one saddens me still). FYI Lindy thoroughly enjoys narrating the "Olivia movies."
