Sunday, June 2, 2013


You may or may not have known this about us, but we're fans of board games.  In fact, one of the first things we did after meeting for the first time was play the game Bang (oh, those were the days!).  However, once we got married, our board game intake dropped dramatically...that's what happens when you don't have any roommates to play with, plus there aren't many two-player games.  Then, after having Olivia, we pretty much stopped altogether.

But now that Olivia is getting older, she is more patient while we play and we are less sleep-deprived (it's hard to concentrate on a game when you are exhausted).  So this afternoon we decided to play one of our favorites: Bananagrams!  After we finished a round, we thought it would be fun to try and use all the game tiles to spell out Disney words.  After a couple hours of thinking and rearranging, we succeeded!  We feel pretty proud of ourselves for using every single tile :) here's the finished product:

Oh and Olivia helped some too!


  1. WOW. That is some serious skill, you guys. I salute you! Plus also, sorry, but who is Kovu?

  2. He is Kiara's (Simba and Nala's daughter) love interest in Lion King 2. Yeah, he's a lesser known character...but we needed to use a "v" and a "u", so it worked out!
