Sunday, August 23, 2015

Gilliham Wedding!

We just got back from the most wonderful little trip to see one of Becky's best friend's get married in Utah.  It was extra lovely because we got to see both Kathryn and Abby's families along the way - hooray!!

World's sassiest road-tripper.

First stop: Las Vegas.

Olivia was THRILLED to see Calvin!  Calvin...not so much ;)
Lunch with Logan.
Master of the head tilt.

Next we drove on up to American Fork to Abby's house, because the next day was Matthew's wedding in Salt Lake.

Whitney and Matthew are married!!

The Fab Four

Olivia spend lots of time playing with cousins Lindy and Kyla while we were at the wedding.  This was Olivia's first real experience "playing in the front yard".  She was a big fan.

...couldn't quite figure out the bike thing, though...
Beautiful Lindy
Sweet Kyla

We spent one day down in Provo seeing old friends and visiting the good ol' BYU.

We love you, Heidi Blake Jones!

Unfortunately, we had to start making our return journey home.  We stopped in Las Vegas again for one night and played a little bit before getting back in the car. 

 Despite a couple intense melt-downs, Olivia was a decent traveller during our many hours of driving.  But it was worth it - we loved seeing everyone!


  1. I wish I had been in Utah to see you!! Maybe New York is your next stop??

  2. You are the bestest little blogger. Thanks for the pic updates..
