Monday, April 15, 2013

Arizona Adventures

Once upon a time, Becky's mom formed a wonderful plan-- have all of my daughters and grandchildren come visit for a week!  So, Becky and Olivia flew to Arizona last Saturday for an exciting week, full of swimming and playing at the park and enjoying the nice warm Arizona weather.  The best part of all: Olivia finally got to meet her Aunt Abby, Aunt Kathryn, and her cousins!

Lindy-- 2 1/2 years old
Kyla-- 6 months old
Logan-- 3 months old
All the cousins, enjoying some television
Unfortunately, the trip was plagued with a 24-hour flu that we kept passing around to each other, so at least one person was sick pretty much the whole time (no pictures will be shown from this portion of the trip).  But, we all helped nurse each other back to health and still managed to have a lovely time together.  Now here's some random picture of our adorable kids :)    

Olivia and Logan in matching cousin stripes!
Lindy in her beloved dog jammies
Going on a shopping outing with all three babies!  I was afraid a cop would pull us over and say we had too many babies in the car...
Olivia and Kyla-- they became really close friends, as you can see since they are holding hands!
Sleepy Logan boy
And here's a quick glimpse of what it's like to try and take a picture of all the kids together!


  1. This is adorable! I love that Olivia is just passed out in that video.

  2. Those are the cutest kids in the universe!

  3. It was terrific having everyone visit. (The house seems so quiet now. . .)

  4. Oh man. I remember meeting Lindy for the first time when she was just a few months old! Now look at her and all her cousins . ..including cutie Olivia! What a bunch! =)

  5. Ha ha - it looks like Kyla is saying to Olivia, "Hey, pull my finger!"
